When Royals wore Ruffles

Snazzy title right? Did I really say Snazzy? Yes, I did. It's late and I'm tired from running around all day. Office and Guest Room are still moving along, but there is lots left to do and the mess is driving me nutty.

I did give myself a little time out today to run out to the library and found quite the stylish book that I not only wanted to read, but also gently rip out all the pages and hang them on a tweens wall as artwork!

So, why did I pick up a children's book? Well it was pink, had ruffles in the title and an adorable illustration on it. I was sold.

When Royals wore Ruffles written by Chesley McLaren & Pamela Jaber is an alphabet book that that takes you on a journey through fashion history.

A is for attitude, B is for Bustles, etc and of course S is for SHOES!

The illustrations are beautiful and would look amazing all framed up.

Sadly all of the images in the book are copyrighted so I can't give you a sneak peek of what's inside, but here is a glance at the book cover.

If you are heading to a bookstore or a library soon I suggest you check it out.


  1. Looks enchanting. Great child's gift too! Thanks for the intro. :D

  2. okay that really does look like an amazing book to hang pictures on the wall. I think I need to go to the library now :)

  3. Fabulous! Thanks for a fun and different read, Camila. I bet the pictures between the covers are gorgeous!

    And if you're looking for soemthing along the same vein, try the book "One Perfect Summer" written by Jackie O' and her sister Lee before they were married. It has the same type of illustrations and stories in their own handwriting. Madeline and I enjoy reading it together!

  4. love the book just because of its title- and I say snazzy too :)

  5. That book looks adorable and now I want to see what's inside. I might have to go on the hunt for it later. Wouldn't that be snazzy? :)

  6. that book looks too stinking cute. i'm definitely going to need to find it. start teaching my niece early!

  7. I would love that book! It looks like too much fun and so colourful too! Fun post!

  8. Ooh, love it! I'll have to check it out at the bookstore today!

  9. Haha, this book looks awesome.


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