Lights Camera, Action: Director’s Chairs

For the longest time I use to think directors chair were cheesy and not chic.


I never desired to own any and frankly didn’t get why people would want them. They seemed cute for a little kids room, but that is where my affection ended with them.


Slowly though they have been making their way into my heart.






I must say they do make for a great impact in some rooms.


While out at Lowes I found the perfect chair to test out the waters with director's chairs.


The frame comes in glossy white:


Or Black:


For only 9.98


You have your pick in chair covers:

lowesblackchaircover lowesbluechaircover

lowesgreenchaircover lowesredchaircover


For only $4.99!


I’m sort of loving them now and think not only would they look chic in a space, but they would be great for additional seating in a home since they fold up. Much nicer than a traditional folding chair when you have extra guests for dinner.


  1. I too feel exactly the way you did about them, but I do think when do right they are great! Your find is perfect!

  2. I'm not a director's chair person either...but for that price, maybe! It'd be fun to paint a chevron or something jazzy on canvas. You should do it and show the rest of us! :)

  3. wow, those are great looking chair for $15! And at Lowe's of all places. I have been searching for chairs for the dining room table I just built. Might be a good fit! The price sure is right!

  4. I just had a conversation about director chairs yesterday, Great minds and all that. I think they are so much better than those plastic stackable chairs that people use on their deck. These fold up and can be put away until needed so I think they are great and what a great price. I purchased two black wrought iron ones with natural canvas and they look pretty cool on my back patio!! Love this post< Kathysue

  5. my daughter has been lobbying for one of these as a desk chair, your post is kinda making me rethink my "NO"!

  6. Wow, what a deal. And super cute! These pictures prove that you can't underestimate the drama of a director's chair!

  7. I love the clean lie of a director's chair, but I am curious how comfortable they are!

  8. I love those chairs and your blog :) xx

  9. I have such a weakness for director's chairs. My fave purchase was a set of four for a salon I did with long white slipcovers. So fun. I have to confess, though, that with the inexpensive ones I've bought, they never quite work out - everyone is sort of afraid to sit on them and they seem low. But still, at that price, you've got very little to lose :)

  10. I am definitely on the fence about them but like you said for that price, maybe they deserve a closer look! I like another person's comment about using them on the patio...definitely a better choice than plastic stackables!

  11. Get out of my head! I JUST bought one yesterday from Lowe's for my guest room makeover. I needed a chair for the desk and didn't want to spend a lot. You cannot beat 15 bucks! I went with the black frame and green canvas. LOVE it.

  12. Such a great idea for extra guest seating. I'm a little on the fence about them, but the $10 price is a motivator!!

  13. love these always have. I have learned that only smaller people should sit in them, they snap easily, ha!

  14. I'm putting my shoes on right now to drive to Lowes!

  15. a great price for testing the waters! you could totally make them fabulous with new upholstery.

  16. So I went to Lowe's as promised and bought two of the white/white chairs. Best $13 bucks spent EVER. They are very sturdy, and are quick to fold up and put away. I thought I was going to have to spend the afternoon assembling them...but nope, I had them out of the box and set up in less than a minute! Three cheers to you for showing off this fabulous chair! I love it.
    I'm a sizable person, and I'm not one bit nervous to sit myself down in this little gem!

  17. These chairs are now $4.99 and the seat covers are $2.49.

    Great find before. Even better with the lower price


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