Author has always been one of my dream careers. What can I say. I want to dip into a little bit of everything for my ultimate career goal. Ideally I would love to be a chic-er, newer version of Martha Stewart without all that nasty jail time drama. My dream book to write would totally be classified as Chick Lit as opposed to some decorating/baking/entertaining book that Martha would be writing, but I would make my leading lady work in interior design. I've filled numerous notebooks with starting chapters and then have always given up. I never really thought that I could actually make it as a writer, but it was always fun to try.
Well last week I was hit with quite the shock when the morning show was interviewing the latest author to hit the press circuit, Alec Greven, a 4th grade from Colorado! He has written a self help book on dating called How to Talk to Girls and began selling handwritten copies of his book when he was 8. Apparently it was a big hit at a book sale in school and HarperCollins took notice.

You can now go out and purchase his 46 page hit that contains tidbits like:
"Comb you hair and don't wear sweats"
"Pretty girls are like cars that need a lot of oil"
"It is easy to spot pretty girls because they have big earrings, fancy dresses and all the jewelry"
Seriously? Words like this get you published? I know we are so suppose to think he is super cute and run out and pick up the book, but sorry I'm not falling for it. If anything I'm now insanely jealous that I didn't think to write my best seller at the tender age of 7!
So would be authors it's not too late. If this kid can get published we should all be getting book deals!
Well last week I was hit with quite the shock when the morning show was interviewing the latest author to hit the press circuit, Alec Greven, a 4th grade from Colorado! He has written a self help book on dating called How to Talk to Girls and began selling handwritten copies of his book when he was 8. Apparently it was a big hit at a book sale in school and HarperCollins took notice.

You can now go out and purchase his 46 page hit that contains tidbits like:
"Comb you hair and don't wear sweats"
"Pretty girls are like cars that need a lot of oil"
"It is easy to spot pretty girls because they have big earrings, fancy dresses and all the jewelry"
Seriously? Words like this get you published? I know we are so suppose to think he is super cute and run out and pick up the book, but sorry I'm not falling for it. If anything I'm now insanely jealous that I didn't think to write my best seller at the tender age of 7!
So would be authors it's not too late. If this kid can get published we should all be getting book deals!
Yeah he was cute and all but don't get me started. I'm with you. Check out my two post today. You'll like them.
I saw this little muchkin on Ellen and fell in love with him. Isn't he just adorable! such a ham.
Hahaha this is crazy. This falls into that dreaded "why didn't I think of that first?!" category. so easy arggg!!
Did you just hear this over the wire? He got a movie deal.
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